
Tuesday, 28 October 2014

Traditional Indian Lantern

  Diwali!One festival that every member ,every house and every state of India looks forward to celebrate .Many mythological stories  are related to this festival .Brightly lit houses and bomb- bomb noise of fire crackers on streets  and sweet and savory food delicacies is something you cant miss out on.
Diwali means  light  a new beginning and victory thus in every house you may find some trendy lighting and decorative lanterns. 
I wanted to try something traditional, Eco-friendly and arty so here it is traditional Lantern Making.
Articles required:
 Card Paper sheet-white, stapler,fevicol,gelatin paper,kite paper-color of your choice,golden paper.scissor, scale, pencil.

 With the help of scale and pencil draw lines of 2 cm each.Cut these two strips . now form a circle from each strip like shown in the picture below. Thus the base and head of the lantern is ready.

 Now cut 4 more strips of card board of 2 cm each and length of 9 cm each like in the picture below.


Attach these four strips to the 2 rings in the form of pillars. this makes the inner structure of the lantern. like the picture below. 

line this base structure with red gelatin paper to pass the bulb light easily.To make a colorful outer structure cut the kite paper in square size of 9 cm each. 

 To make the borders decorative cut the square shapes with zig zag cutting scissors. 
 Now paste any two ends of the square sheet together. Allow to dry and then stick the plain side of the sheet to the lantern . like the picture below. 
 I have used different color papers to form a alternate color pattern.

  Finally cut   two golden strips to stick at the head and bottom of the lantern. 
 The golden color paper makes the lantern look more attractive. Also use small square size of golden paper on the closed end of the folded  paper. 

 Now cut streamers from the left out paper to make the tail of the lantern. stick the tails at the base of the lantern in alternate combinations.

  Illuminate it with light bulb connection.

Thus a traditional lantern is ready.