
Tuesday, 5 August 2014

No Cost Magazine Gift Wrap

Welcome Back!

This month i am posting a quick  yet contemporary method of packaging. 
It was one of colleagues farewell in college.We decided to surprise her with a memorable gift right from the ribbons,packaging and obviously the gift.  
As we all were brain storming in the library something flashed in my eyes. it was the Vogue magazine cover page that my friend was holding in her hands.
This is when i thought why not use these glossy thick paper for wrapping. I used  goggle guru to find such wrapping idea  and yes there were some unique gift wrapping ideas.

Material Required: Old magazine, tape,ruler,ribbon, gift.

 Select a magazine paper of your choice.

 We selected a black paper for outer cover. The gift wrap was to be designed in a bag shape with the ribbon in center to close the open ends.

  better to wrap the gift in a plastic sheet or a magazine paper to avoid the tape stains on the gift box.

then wrap the gift with a black paper or any bright color paper of your choice.

We found out a sabyasachi advertisement paper which we thought would look classy as main cover.

We wanted a bag shape thus closed one side and left the other side open
 punched two holes at the open end of the wrap.

 Insert a bright ribbon through the holes and tie a knot thus your gift is ready.

 this was my take on  no cost magazine gift wrap .
Happy Blogging!